This guide will help you set up a standalone Snowflake proxy using Docker to help censored users connect to the Tor network. We have a Docker image to ease the setup of a Snowflake proxy.

1. Install Docker

Las instrucciones de este paso son para sistemas basados en Debian, pero puedes encontrar instrucciones de Docker para otras plataformas compatibles.

Open a terminal and run these commands:

$ sudo apt install curl sudo
$ curl -fsSL -o
$ sudo sh ./

2. Download the docker compose file

Download the docker-compose.yml configuration file. Run the command to download it:

$ wget

Luego, despliega el proxy ejecutando:

docker compose up -d snowflake-proxy

This command starts the Snowflake proxy in detached mode. Ahora deberías ver la salida:

Creating snowflake-proxy ... done

¡y tu proxy está corriendo!

3. Checking your Docker logs

To access your Snowflake proxy logs, first find the container ID number. Ejecuta el comando:

$ docker ps

Your Snowflake container ID is on the same line of thetorproject/snowflake-proxy:latest. Replace the container ID below with yours and run the command:

$ docker logs -f 42fb82372340

4. Automatic updates with Watchtower

The docker-compose.yml file contains a watchtower container, configured to automatically check for updates to the snowflake docker container every day, download them and run them. Entonces, si estás usando eso, ¡tu proxy de snowflake se mantendrá actualizado automáticamente! De lo contrario, deberá extraer periódicamente el contenedor más reciente y reiniciarlo manualmente.